Thursday, January 4, 2024

How do I request a payment?

Payoneer allows you to request a payment from anyone in the world by sending a request straight to their email.

Simply enter the client’s details and requested payment amount, attach an invoice or create one, and submit. That’s it! On the other end, the client is notified of the payment request and can pay the request immediately with a credit card or a bank transfer. You can track your payment request’s status and receive a notification once payment has been made. You can withdraw funds to a bank account or use them to pay for other Payoneer services when the funds are available. Want to see the whole process in action? Check out our video tutorial.



Payoneer 允許您透過直接向世界上任何人的電子郵件發送請求來請求付款。

只需輸入客戶的詳細資料和要求的付款金額,附上發票或建立發票,然後提交。 就是這樣! 在另一端,客戶會收到付款請求的通知,並可以立即使用信用卡或銀行轉帳付款請求。 您可以追蹤付款請求的狀態並在付款後收到通知。 您可以將資金提取到銀行帳戶,或在資金可用時使用它們來支付其他 Payoneer 服務的費用。 想要看到整個過程的實際效果嗎? 查看我們的影片教學。

How do I send a payment?

Using Payoneer to send money is convenient. Send payments to nearly anywhere in the world quickly and easily! 

It works like this: Simply sign in to your Payoneer account on the web or the mobile app, click “Pay,” and then “Make a Payment.” Next, enter or select the email address of the person or company you want to pay, choose your payment method, and enter the amount you wish to pay. Type in a brief description of what you are paying for, click “Pay Now,” and you’re all done. We will send your payment immediately and your recipient will usually receive it within two hours. You will receive a notification when the recipient has received the funds. You and the recipient can track your payment status at any point. Want to keep track of multiple account payments on the go? No problem, just use the Payoneer mobile app. It’s that easy!



使用 Payoneer 匯款很方便。 快速輕鬆地向世界上幾乎任何地方發送付款!

它的工作原理如下:只需在網路或行動應用程式上登入您的 Payoneer 帳戶,點擊“付款”,然後點擊“付款”。 接下來,輸入或選擇您想要付款的個人或公司的電子郵件地址,選擇您的付款方式,然後輸入您想要支付的金額。 輸入您要支付的費用的簡短描述,點擊“立即支付”,一切就完成了。 我們將立即發送您的付款,您的收款人通常會在兩小時內收到。 當收款人收到款項後,您將收到通知。 您和收款人可以隨時追蹤您的付款狀態。 想要隨時隨地追蹤多個帳戶的付款情況嗎? 沒問題,只需使用 Payoneer 行動應用程式即可。 就是這麼簡單!

How do I receive payments with Payoneer?

Payoneer offers you several ways to get paid. Receiving accounts allow you to accept funds straight into your Payoneer account. They act just like bank account details would. 

There are two types of receiving accounts: local receiving accounts, which let you get paid via local bank transfer from companies in different countries as if you had a local bank account in that country, and SWIFT (Wire) receiving accounts, which let you get paid by wire transfer worldwide. You can use a SWIFT (Wire) receiving account to receive payments from companies located in countries where local receiving accounts aren’t supported. 

Local receiving accounts work just like a bank account. Just request a local receiving account for the country and currency you need. We’ll provide bank details which you can give to the client or marketplace you need to get paid by. The company uses these 

details to send you a bank transfer and the funds land your Payoneer account.You can then withdraw the funds to your local bank account or to your Payoneer card, which you can use at ATMs, stores, or online anywhere Mastercard® is accepted. You’ll also have the chance to check the status of any payment quickly on the web or via the Payoneer mobile app. 

Companies can transfer payments using your receiving account details, but you cannot charge your receiving account. Any charge attempts will be declined.


我該如何透過 Payoneer 接收付款?

Payoneer 為您提供多種收款方式。 收款帳戶可讓您直接將資金存入您的 Payoneer 帳戶。 它們的作用就像銀行帳戶詳細資訊一樣。

有兩種類型的收款帳戶:本地收款帳戶,可讓您透過來自不同國家/地區的公司的本地銀行轉帳方式獲得付款,就像您在該國家/地區擁有本地銀行帳戶一樣;以及SWIFT(電匯)收款帳戶,可讓您透過本地銀行轉帳方式從不同國家/地區的公司獲得付款。透過全球電匯支付。 您可以使用 SWIFT(電匯)收款帳戶從不支援本地收款帳戶的國家/地區的公司接收付款。

本地收款帳戶的運作方式與銀行帳戶類似。 只需申請一個適合您需求的國家/地區和貨幣的本地收款帳戶。 我們將提供銀行詳細信息,您可以將其提供給您需要接收付款的客戶或市場。 公司使用這些

向您發送銀行轉帳的詳細信息,資金將存入您的Payoneer 帳戶。然後,您可以將資金提取到您的本地銀行帳戶或您的Payoneer 卡,您可以在ATM、商店或接受Mastercard® 的任何地方使用該卡。 您還有機會在網路上或透過 Payoneer 行動應用程式快速檢查任何付款的狀態。

本公司可以使用您的收款帳戶詳細資料進行轉賬,但您無法向您的收款帳戶收取費用。 任何收費嘗試都將被拒絕。

How do I set up my Payoneer account?

To receive global deposits and payments, open a Payoneer account! The account setup requires basic info and takes approimately three business days to be verified. Once verified, you’re ready to receive payments.

Alternatively, if you are working with a company that offers Payoneer as a direct payment solution, just select Payoneer as your payment method and sign in to your account.

Note that your username is the email address associated with your Payoneer account.


如何設定我的 Payoneer 帳戶?

要接收全球存款和付款,請開設 Payoneer 帳戶! 帳戶設定需要基本訊息,並且大約需要三個工作天才能驗證。 驗證後,您就可以接收付款了。

或者,如果您正在與提供 Payoneer 作為直接付款解決方案的公司合作,只需選擇 Payoneer 作為您的付款方式並登入您的帳戶即可。

請注意,您的使用者名稱是與您的 Payoneer 帳戶關聯的電子郵件地址。

How to use Payoneer

Want to make and receive cross-border payments with ease? Payoneer gives you access to a universe of opportunities to make international payments, receive funds, and much more to run your global business. Read on to learn about how to get started using Payoneer today.



想要輕鬆進行和接收跨境付款嗎? Payoneer 為您提供大量進行國際支付、接收資金等的機會來經營您的全球業務。 請繼續閱讀,了解如何立即開始使用 Payoneer。

Friday, February 3, 2023

附加網域 ( addon domains )



addon domains

自架部落格第一步:申請與使用《 Web Hosting Service》免費網頁空間&安裝WordPress

 《 Web Hosting Service》是一個免費的網頁空間服務,主要特色是有10 GB的大容量、且無廣告!


STEP 1-輸入申請資料

首先進入《 Web Hosting Service》首頁,選擇「Singup For Free Hosting」,並如下圖輸入。

(Sub Domain Name輸入使用者ID,之後會成為你的網頁空間網址。)

STEP 2-啟用帳號

按下「Register」後系統會發一封確認信,點擊信中連結就可啟用帳號。資料跑完之後就會出現一個頁面,呈現Control panel、MySQL、FTP的Username、password等相關資訊。務必記下來。

STEP 3-進入後台

前往「」Cpanel後台管理介面,輸入前一個網頁出現的Control panel Username和password來登入。看到以下頁面就成功啦!

STEP 3-安裝Wordpress


直接使用Cpanel內建的Softaculous (Script installer),快速安裝Wordpress。

點擊進入「Software/Services > Softaculous」,找到「Wordpress」並按下「Install」,接著填完Software Setup、Site Settings、Admin Account...等資料後送出!




Self-hosted blog step one: apply for and use " Web Hosting Service" free web space & install WordPress

[教學] 如何在 Web Hosting Service免費空間中安裝WordPress


特別選了 Web Hosting Service來做示範,我將從申請空間、網域、安裝MySQL及Wordpress來做完整的說明。

【 Web Hosting Service主要特色】

10 GB Disk Space  (10 GB的容量)

FTP account and File Manager  (支援FTP及檔案管理)

Control Panel (使用CitySkyAds cPanel)

MySQL databases & PHP Support (支援MySQL + PHP)

Addon domain, Parked Domains, Sub-Domains (域名的管理)

Free Community Access (Forums) (免費論壇存取)

No ads! (無廣告)

【1. Web Hosting Service申請教學】



接著便會收到CitySkyAds cPanel所寄來的信件,點擊驗証的網址後會帶到瀏覽器中,按「Continue」繼續即可。


建立之後,就可以看到CitySkyAds cPanel、MySQL、FTP的相關資料了,這些資料很重要,以後會常用到的,請注意,Control panel的帳號會自動產生一組給你喔,和你登入的 Web Hosting Service所申請的帳號不同。

【2. 申請免費域名並進行綁定】


● 2.1 請先登入 Web Hosting Service,再進到Control panel的管理後台, Web Hosting Service是使用CitySkyAds cPanel來做為管理工具,進入時可以選擇繁中的語系會比較方便。



2.2 回到免費域名的後台,然後點擊上方的「My Domains」


選擇「Nameserver」 (圖中)。






小結:我覺得架站這檔事對於新手來說,可能會有一點不知所措或不知如何下手的恐懼感,所以我才會以自身的經驗洋洋灑灑的寫了這麼一大篇,主要就是希望把每個步驟都寫清楚一點,希望可以給新手們一個入門參考,話雖然如此,遇到的困難我覺得並非是在設定方面,而是空間的穩定度,例如我在測試的時候就剛好遇到 Web Hosting Service連不上,所以測試、寫作的時間就得延後,因此,如果你沒有遇到連線的問題,我想整個過程最慢一、二個小時就搞定了,熟一點的話幾十分鐘就OK啦,別怕,去試試看吧


[Tutorial] How to install WordPress on Web Hosting Service free space

How do I use Payoneer Checkout?

Checkout offers sound payment solutions for scaling and growth. Checkout allows you to consolidate earnings from webstores and marketplace, ...