Thursday, January 4, 2024

How do I use working capital?

The Payoneer Capital Advance program gives you access cash now. Future earnings secure flexible working capital solutions today.

Available to Amazon and Walmart sellers as well as any small business owner receiving payments in USD, Payoneer working capital solutions provide adaptable funding that you can tailor to your business needs. Choose from a range of amounts with varying times to settle. The greater the time to settle, the more funds you can get and the greater the opportunity to leverage your funding.

Payoneer sends Capital Advance offers automatically to users for their eligible stores (the stores’ payment history and predicted future sales determine eligibility). These offers are pre-approved without needing personal guarantees or collateral provided in advance. Users receive funds in minutes once they accept an offer.

When you accept a Capital Advance offer, you receive an advance on upcoming marketplace earnings or expected receivables based on your account history. We essentially purchase a part of your future receivables equivalent to the Capital Advance amount, and charge one fixed fee which is settled together, gradually from your future marketplace earnings until the settlement is complete.



Payoneer Capital Advance 計劃讓您立即獲得現金。 未來的收益確保了今天的靈活營運資金解決方案。

Payoneer 營運資金解決方案可供亞馬遜和沃爾瑪賣家以及任何接受美元付款的小型企業主使用,它提供了適應性強的資金,您可以根據自己的業務需求進行客製化。 從一系列金額和不同時間的結算中進行選擇。 結算時間越長,您可以獲得的資金就越多,利用資金的機會就越大。

Payoneer 會自動向用戶發送符合資格的商店的 Capital Advance 優惠(商店的付款歷史記錄和預測的未來銷售額決定資格)。 這些優惠均已預先批准,無需提前提供個人擔保或抵押品。 用戶接受報價後幾分鐘內即可收到資金。

當您接受資本預付款要約時,您會根據您的帳戶歷史記錄收到即將到來的市場收入或預期應收帳款的預付款。 我們實質上是購買您未來應收帳款中相當於資本預付款金額的一部分,並收取一筆固定費用,該費用從您未來的市場收入中逐步結算,直至結算完成。

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